Tom Król
Where and how are you able to create your most authentic, highest quality work? I think that the artistic practice is one that has many phases: moments of reflection; places where the production process finds its peaks of concentration or focus. My studio is an essential place where a lot of things come together, then start to form into something new and where this ‘new’ is actually possible.
The reflection of moments experienced through my work is a key moment of my process. This can happen through drawings, writing and so on. Music is also an essential part of this process: trying to see images that haven’t been there before. It is very important to allow a third or forth party in the development of new work. One party could be time. Sometimes you get caught up with you and the work in front of you and you loose the focus. Another party is a fresh view of a person you trust on. It is key to isolate yourself from time to time but also to open up and talk about problems that pop up naturally in a search of something new.
After this concentrated reflection and hard work on new topics in my studio, the presentation of my work, for example at an exhibition, is one of the most vulnerable moments. Developed images see the light for the first time and become very vulnerable, so do I. But I love this moment of bareness. It puts me out of my comfort zone and challenges me with new points of view Although not producing anymore, and taking a step back, this phase can generate fresh ideas and new strength.